
Beer Review # 1: Cariboos Genuine Draft

For a brewery not famous enough to qualify for its own wikipedia article, I've seen an awful lot of this stuff around.

Within: Liquid charisma
The can boasts that the beer is made from 'pure spring water'. This isn't much of an achievement but they've stuck it on there all the same. There's also some stuff about planting trees whenever you buy their beer, which assuages the environmental concerns in every beer hunter's soul. 

Sadly absent is the usual obligatory story about how the beer is brewed using 'age old techniques', presumably by some wizened old man who mutters to himself like a senile, alcoholic version of Willy Wonka. 

There's a picture of what I assume is a caribou on the can as well. This isn't really doing anything for me.  

They have probably assumed (rightly in my case) that it's the cheap and cheerful price tag rather than an expectation of some life-changing beverage experience that's attracted you in the first place. 

A pack of 20 cans set me back just over $30 - the cheapest I've found so far. A bargain price can often be a warning sign for a weak brew but Cariboos Genuine Draft comes in at respectable 5.5%. 

Now that I've exhausted the delights of the outside of the can, what about the beer?

Pours easily, brief white head that pretty much completely disappears. Pale, clear colour. Smell is pretty sweet and flavour is what you'd expect - inoffensive and mostly bland. Little bit of a metallic aftertaste but that may have to do with it coming out of a can. 

Light and easy to drink without much else going on, this beer is never going to rock the world. 

But, given its fairly impressive alcohol content and low price this is already establishing itself as my session beer of choice. You're not going to want to place yourself in an isolation tank for three or four days to heighten your senses to peak precision before drinking, but you could comfortably put away a few of these while watching a movie or trying to force a conversation with an accountant you've been introduced to at a party. 

Verdict: 6 out of 10

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